
2023 – Expected 2025 PhD Biological Sciences - University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame IN

2019 – 2022            MS Biological Sciences - University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame IN

2017 – 2019 MS Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign IL               

2013 – 2017             BS Aquatic and Fishery Sciences; Minor Quantitative Science - University of Washington, Seattle WA                   

Research Appointments

January 2023 - Present

Stream and Wetland Ecology Lab

Research and Teaching Assistant - University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame IN

May 2019 – May 2022 

Jones Aquatic Ecology Lab

Research and Teaching Assistant - University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame IN

Aug 2017 – May 2019

Larson Aquatic Ecology Lab

Research Assistant - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign IL

May 2015 – June 2017

Freshwater Ecology and Conservation Lab

Aquatic and Fishery Sciences Laboratory Assistant - University of Washington, Seattle WA

July 2016 – Sept 2016

Stream and Wetland Ecology Lab

Research Laboratory and Field Technician - University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame IN

June 2012 - June 2013

Project GRAND (Gamma Ray Astrophysics at Notre Dame)

Laboratory Technician (high school student) - University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame IN

Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts

  1. Adey, A.K. and Larson, E.R. 2021. Testing the relationship between intraspecific competition and individual specialization across both behavior and diet. Ecology and Evolution 11(16): 11310-11322.

  2. Adey, A.K. and Larson, E.R. 2020. Dominance and diet are unrelated within a population of invasive crayfish. Hydrobiologia. 847(7): 1587-1602.

  3. Adey A.K., Kuehne L.M., and Olden J.D. 2018. Trophic niche ecology of Olympic mudminnow (Novumbra hubbsi) in Lake Ozette, Washington. Northwest Science. 92(4): 267-273.

  4. Kuehne L.M., Adey A.K., Brownlee T.M. & Olden J.D. 2018. Field-based comparison of herbicides for control of parrotfeather (Myriophyllum aquaticum). Journal of Aquatic Plant Management. 56: 18-23.

Other Products

  1. Viewpoint: Indiana’s vulnerable wetlands at even greater risk. Amaryllis Adey, Katherine O’Reilly, Elise Snyder, and Gary Lamberti. South Bend Tribune Opinion Section. Published June 2, 2023.

Research Presentations

Undergraduate student

  1. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting – Philadelphia, PA (June 2024)
    Thermal Sensitivity of Ponds in Two Coastal Alaskan Wetland Systems

    Amaryllis K. Adey, Rachel Hughes, Katherine E. O’Reilly, Luca Adelfio, Susan A. Oehlers, Erik M. Curtis, Alan F. Hamlet, and Gary A. Lamberti

  2. ESA Great Lakes Chapter Meeting – Kalamazoo, MI (April 2024)

    Invertebrate Spatial Biodiversity in Coastal Wetlands of the Laurentian Great Lakes

    Amaryllis K. Adey, Ben McCarthy, and Gary A. Lamberti

  3. Biofrass Graduate Seminar – Notre Dame, IN (Oct 2023)

    Thermal Sensitivity of Ponds in Two Coastal Alaska Wetland Systems

    Amaryllis K. Adey

  4. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting – Brisbane, Queensland, Australia (June 2023)

    Aquatic Food Web Response to an Invasive Plant Across the Copper River Delta of Alaska, USA

    Amaryllis K. Adey, Natalie Levesque, Carmella Vizza, Martin Berg, Gordon Reeves, and Gary Lamberti

  5. Biofrass Graduate Seminar – Notre Dame, IN (April 2023)

    Aquatic Food Web Response to an Invasive Plant Across the Copper River Delta of Alaska, USA

    Amaryllis K. Adey

  6. Biofrass Graduate Seminar - Notre Dame, IN (Oct 2021)

    Benthic invertebrate community biomass and assemblage response to a whole-lake manipulation

    Amaryllis K. Adey

  7. University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center Graduate Fellows Seminar - Land O’ Lakes, WI (July 2021)

    Testing the relationship between intraspecific competition and individual specialization

    Amaryllis K. Adey and Eric R. Larson

  8. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting – Virtual (May 2021)

    Benthic invertebrate community biomass and assemblage response to a whole-lake manipulation

    Amaryllis K. Adey, Nikki Craig, Stuart E. Jones, Patrick Kelly, Carly Olsen, Alex Ross, and Chris Solomon

  9. Biofrass Graduate Seminar – Notre Dame, IN (Nov 2020)

    Testing the impact of entry point on the stabilizing effect of subsidies to food webs

    Amaryllis K. Adey

  10. Science in the Northwoods – Woodruff, WI (Oct 2019)

    Testing the relationship between intraspecific competition and individual specialization across both behavior and diet

    Amaryllis K. Adey and Eric R. Larson

  11. Ecological Society of American Annual Meeting – Louisville, KY (Aug 2019)

    Testing the relationship between intraspecific competition and individual specialization across both behavior and diet

    Amaryllis K. Adey and Eric R. Larson

  12. Master’s Thesis Defense – Urbana, IL (May 2019)

    Linking behavior and diet between and within populations of an invasive crayfish Faxonius rusticus

    Amaryllis K. Adey

  13. Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference – Terra Haute, IN (April 2019)

    Testing the relationship between intraspecific competition and specialization across both diet and behavior

    Amaryllis K. Adey and Eric R. Larson

  14. Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting – Champaign, IL (Feb 2019)

    Dominance and diet are unrelated in a population of invasive crayfish

    Amaryllis K. Adey and Eric R. Larson

  15. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting – Detroit, MI (May 2018)

    Does laboratory behavior correlate with diet for the invasive rusty crayfish (Faxonius rusticus)?

    Amaryllis K. Adey and Eric R. Larson

  16. Capstone Symposium – Seattle, WA (June 2017)

    Does competition or predation influence the distribution of Olympic mudminnow (Novumbra hubbsi)

    Amaryllis K. Adey, Lauren Kuehne, and Julian D. Olden

  17. 20th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium – Seattle, WA (May 2017)

    Non-Native Predator Impacts on Olympic mudminnow (Novumbra hubbsi)

    Amaryllis K. Adey, Lauren Kuehne, and Julian D. Olden

Research Presentations by Mentees

Undergraduate Student

  1. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting – Philadelphia, PA (June 2024)

    Effects of invasive waterweed (Elodea canadensis) on water chemistry and food web dynamics of an Alaskan Lake

    Corbin Hite, Amaryllis K. Adey, Sean Meade, Martin Berg, Gordon Reeves, J. Ryan Bellmore, and Gary A. Lamberti

  2. College of Science Joint Annual Meeting – Notre Dame, IN (May 2024)

    The Effects of an Invasive Pondweed (Elodea canadensis) on Water Chemistry of an Alaskan Lake

    Corbin Hite, Amaryllis K. Adey, Katherine O’Reilly, Gordon Reeves, J. Ryan Bellmore, and Gary A. Lamberti

  3. College of Science Joint Annual Meeting – Notre Dame, IN (May 2024)

    Aquatic Food Web Response to an Invasive Plant Across the Copper River Delta of Alaska, USA

    Jace Kruer, Gracie Speicher, Amaryllis K. Adey, Natalie Levesque, Carmella Vizza, Martin Berg, Gordon Reeves, and Gary Lamberti

  4. College of Science Joint Annual Meeting – Notre Dame, IN (May 2023)

    There’s Something in the Water: The Effects of an Invasive Pondweed (Elodea canadensis) on Water Chemistry of an Alaskan Lake

    Corbin Hite, Amaryllis K. Adey, Katherine O’Reilly, Gordon Reeves, J. Ryan Bellmore, and Gary Lamberti

    *Winner of “Best Poster” Award

  5. College of Science Joint Annual Meeting – Notre Dame, IN (May 2023)

    Macroinvertebrate Diversity within Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands

    Ben McCarthy, Amaryllis K. Adey, Sarah Klepinger, and Gary Lamberti

Research Experience

Environmental Education Impact Assessment (March 2023 - Present)

  • Collaborating with researchers at Virginia Tech, Michigan State University, and Cornell University to conduct an educational impact assessment of the GALS (Girls on Outdoor Adventure and Leadership) program

  • Assessing the educational outcomes of experiential learning programs for environmental education, including economic factors

  • Collaborated with an economist to design a survey for program participants to assess their opinions toward ecology and the environment before, immediately after, and a short while after participating in the program to determine short-term and long-term impacts on participants

Great Lake Coastal Wetlands (Jan 2023 – Present)

  • Assessing alpha, beta, and gamma diversity of invertebrate communities in coastal wetlands of the Great Lakes across study years

  • Oversaw an undergraduate student’s senior honor’s thesis project looking at spatial diversity of macro invertebrates in the Great Lakes (Spring 2023)

    • Advised and reviewed student’s poster presentation for the College of Science Joint Annual Meeting in May 2023

    • Assisted undergraduate student with data analyses for alpha and gamma diversity

    • Collaborated with student to outline his thesis document and reviewed drafts of student’s thesis

Elodea canadensis in coastal wetlands of Alaska (Jan 2023 – Present)

  • Assessing food web response to invasive Elodea invasions across the Copper River Delta (CRD) using stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen

    • Preparing a manuscript covering how Elodea is impacting the food web structure of these 6 Alaskan ponds

    • Used SIBER model where Elodea is compared to other plants and determine whether it might be using similar resources as native plants

    • Used MixSIAR to model whether invertebrates and fish might be consuming and incorporating Elodea into the food web pathways within ponds across the CRD

    • Collected samples of plants and invertebrates for stable isotope analysis from ponds across the CRD in 2023

    • Processed samples via drying, homogenizing, and weighing to prepare them for analysis with the Elemental Analyzer - Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectrometer (EA-IRMS)

      • Trained two undergraduate students in lab work associated with isotope sample preparation and running the EA-IRMS

    • Presented preliminary results at the Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting in Brisbane, Australia in June 2023

  • Oversaw an undergraduate student’s senior honor’s thesis research and another independent project looking at the impacts of Elodea on water chemistry and food webs in the Copper River Delta (CRD) near Cordova, Alaska (January 2023 – May 2024)

    • Overseeing the preparation of a manuscript from this students senior thesis (Fall 2024)

    • Oversaw and advised presentation preparation for the Society for Freshwater Science meeting, where the undergraduate student presented this research to the broader scientific community

    • Advised and reviewed poster and presentation preparation for College of Science Joint Annual Meeting in May 2023, where the undergraduate student won the “best poster” award

    • Assisted student with preparing and analyzing water chemistry data from limnocorrals in Eyak Lake near Cordova, Alaska

    • Collaborated to analyzing sockeye salmon data from limnocorrals in Eyak Lake near Cordova, Alaska

    • Oversaw student with analyzing water chemistry data from a Fluoridone herbicide experimentAssessing food web response to invasive E. canadensis invasions using stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen

  • Collaborating with universities and the US Forest Service to conduct numerous studies exploring the impacts of Elodea on ponds across the Copper River Delta (CRD) near Cordova, Alaska

    • Assisted the US Forest Service with field data collection for a Fluoridone herbicide experiment in two ponds on the CRD

    • Collected plant samples from limnocorral sites in Eyak Lake near Cordova, Alaska

    • Assisted the US Forest Service with collecting stream and air temperature sensors from across the CRD and from islands in Prince William Sound

    • Re-installed interpretative signs along trails through the CRD

    • Checked fish passages on streams along the coastal areas of Prince William Sound

Alaskan Coastal Pond Temperatures in the Copper River Delta and Yakutat Forelands (Jan 2023 – Present)

  • Preparing a manuscript covering how pond temperatures in these two regions of Alaska are expected to change in the future

  • Fit Bayesian state-space models comparing mean water temperatures of ponds to nearby air temperature for an eight-year period and then forecasting each pond’s water temperature from expected air temperatures under different greenhouse gas emissions scenarios (Representative Concentration Pathways – RCPs)

  • Used data collected in 20 pond sites in the Copper River Delta and Yakutat Forelands to determine how pond temperatures might be altered under future climate conditions

  • Worked with the USDA Forest Service to conduct QA/QC on the temperature data files

  • Collaborated with an undergraduate student to develop and employ forecasting models

Algae in Coastal Wetlands of Large Lakes (Jan 2023 - Feb 2024)

  • Collaborated with the Coastal Wetland Monitoring Program to write a review manuscript that will serve as the algal focused book chapter “Algae in Coastal Wetlands of Large Lakes: A Global Perspective.” of “Limnology of Coastal Wetlands of Large Freshwater Lakes”

Food Web Subsidy Entry Points (May 2020 – May 2022)

  • Developed a microcosm experiment to test a theoretical model about the entry point of resources into food webs

  • Worked with an undergraduate researcher to conduct a brief literature review of microcosm food web subsidies

  • Assisted an undergraduate researcher in applying for a grant to fund an independent project related to resource subsidies and food webs

  • Developed a model to incorporate resource recycling into existing model frameworks and assess how the stability of community members is impacted by varied aspects of subsidies and varied efficiencies of recycling

  • Conducted systematic review of models assessing the role of resource subsidies in food webs

University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center - Long Lake (May 2019 – May 2022)

  • Collected consumer samples for stable isotopes to assess food web structure in the treatment and reference basins of Long Lake

  • Conducted annual population estimates via both Schnabel and Robust methods using R Programming

  • Set and collected minnow traps on Long Lake – Minnow ID, fin clips

  • Zooplankton tows – Counts, ID, measuring

  • Collected benthic invertebrate samples and later identified them in the lab

  • Collected fish diets via angling and puking fish

Crayfish Research – Master’s Thesis at the University of Illinois (Aug 2017 – Aug 2019)

  • Collaborated to prepared a manuscript assessing whether dietary specialization and behavioral specialization respond the same or differently to increasing relative abundance

  • Conducted likelihood ratio tests to determine whether linear or quadratic models better compared dietary and behavioral specialization to relative abundance

  • Created linear and quadratic models to relate specialization to relative abundance (CPUE)

  • Conducted isotope analysis (ellipse area) and behavioral analysis (PCA, ellipse area) to determine the amount of specialization for each lake

  • Prepared crayfish from Vilas County, WI for stable isotope analyses

  • Conducted behavioral studies measuring exploration, feeding flexibility, shelter occupancy, and aggressiveness

  • Collected crayfish via snorkeling to be used in laboratory behavioral studies

  • Trapped for crayfish on northern Wisconsin lakes to assess CPUE as a proxy for population density

  • Collected data for long term monitoring of crayfish populations in northern Wisconsin lakes via crayfish trapping

  • Collaborated to prepare a peer-reviewed manuscript assessing the relationship between laboratory dominance and field trophic position using rusty crayfish

  • Analyzed isotope values and related them to the results of the laboratory dominance assays using R Programming

  • Prepared crayfish from the Kankakee River for stable isotope analyses

  • Conducted crayfish dominance assays

  • Collected crayfish from the Kankakee River using kick seining

Olympic Mudminnow Research – Senior Capstone at the University of Washington (Jan 2016 – June 2017)

  • Collaborated to prepare a peer-reviewed manuscript related to the interspecific interactions of Olympic mudminnow in Lake Ozette, Olympic National Park, WA

  • Utilized Bayesian Mixing Models to estimate diet contributions using R Programming

  • Conducted isotopic niche analyses using R Programming

  • Conducted a principal component analysis for the environmental factors associated with the presence of mudminnow

  • Prepared Lake Ozette samples for stable isotope analyses

  • Aided in confirming sampling locations for mudminnow on Olympic Peninsula, including meeting with land owners, agencies, and tribes

  • Developed and submitted competitive grant proposal to investigate the impacts of non-native predators and competitors on Olympic mudminnow in Lake Ozette on Olympic Peninsula in Washington State

Great Lakes Wetland Research – Summer Technician at the University of Notre Dame (July 2016 – Sept 2016)

  • Aided in collection of general site data (water quality, fish community data, invertebrate community data) for the Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Monitoring Program

  • Processed Great Lakes salmon samples for stable isotope analyses

  • Prepared and analyzed Great Lakes fish samples using Direct Mercury Analysis

Parrotfeather Research – Laboratory Assistant at the University of Washington (July 2015 – May 2016)

  • Assisted in preparation of peer-reviewed manuscript on herbicide treatment of the invasive macrophyte parrotfeather

  • Used R programming to model parrotfeather data

  • Assisted in field survey of invasive parrotfeather along 80 kilometers of the Chehalis River in Washington

    • Collected site and plot-level characteristics for comparison in relation to changes in temperature and flow between years

    • Assisted in follow-up survey of test plots comparing four different herbicide treatments

Smallmouth Bass Research – Laboratory Assistant at the University of Washington (May 2015)

  • Conducted morphological measurements for juvenile smallmouth bass from the John Day River

Project GRAND Astrophysics Research - Laboratory Assistant at the University of Notre Dame (Aug 2012 - June 2013)

  • Assisted with designing, calibrating, and implementing circuit boards to record the temperature and humidity in the particle ray detector array

QuarkNet Summer Program - Laboratory Assistant at the University of Notre Dame (June 2012 - Aug 2012)

  • Assisted with trouble shooting and fixing circuit boards and cables that run the cosmic ray detector array, including changing out chips in the circuit boards collecting the data and replacing cable lines that run the power to each of the array components

  • Skyped with scientists at CERN to discuss the discovery of the Higgs Boson when it was announced on July 4, 2012

  • Learned about particle physics through lessons from faculty

Teaching Experience

Big Questions in Biology: How might Earth’s systems resolve the climate question? (Fall 2024) - Teaching Assistant/Instructor of Record

Assisting with coordinating two modules, each a half-semester long, about climate change and Earth’s systems. Goals of the course modules include allowing students to understand how multiple levels of biology are used to answer contemporary problems.

Stable Isotope Analysis (April 2024)

Taught a 1-hour lesson geared toward undergraduates, graduate students, and professors about R packages available to analyze stable isotope data in freshwater ecology, including interpretation and application of results

The Climate Crisis: Intersection between Biology and Christianity (Spring 2024) - Teaching Assistant/Instructor of Record

Assisted with coordinating a 56 student lecture about how science and religion intersect in their analyses of climate change with focus on two questions: 1. How has climate change over the past 30 years impacted biological organisms and ecosystems? and 2. How ought Catholics respond to climate change, and how does such a response inform your own response?

Taught one complete lecture covering my dissertation chapter aiming to forecast pond temperature changes through the end of the century.

Aquatic Insects (Fall 2023) - Teaching Assistant

Taught a lab about the ecological role of aquatic insects and aiding in hands on skills labs in which students learn to use dichotomous keys to identify aquatic invertebrates.

Arthropods and Human Disease (Spring 2023) - Teaching Assistant

Taught a lab of 10 students about the intersection of human diseases and invertebrate communities. Helping with in lab preparation and assisting students with taxa identification.

IntroBio Lab II (Spring 2021) - Teaching Assistant/Instructor of Record

Taught a lab of 30 students about the effects of global climate change on salt marshes. The students used a three tiered approach to their independent projects: predictive modeling, greenhouse experiments, and population genetics and community dynamics.

General Ecology Lab (Fall 2020) - Teaching Assistant

Taught a lab of 12 students about ecology, including making observations and using them to design and carry out field experiments. Topics of focus include forest structure, decomposition, and succession.

IntroBio Lab I (Fall 2019) - Teaching Assistant

Taught a lab of 32 students about terrestrial insect diversity, DNA barcoding, GFP protein expression, and modeling cardio activity in R Studio.


Natalie Cox (2024 - Present) - Stream and Wetland Ecology Lab Undergraduate, University of Notre Dame

  • Assisting with preparation and processing of stable isotope samples from the Copper River Delta of Alaska

Gracie Spreicher (2023 - Present) - Stream and Wetland Ecology Lab Undergraduate, University of Notre Dame

  • Developing an independent project looking at the impacts of Elodea on food web structure through time using samples from 2007 to 2023

  • Conducted data analysis for isotope data from the Copper River Delta for a companion of ponds with and without invasive Elodea

  • Assisted with preparation and processing of stable isotope samples from the Copper River Delta of Alaska

Jace Kruer (2023 - 2024) - Stream and Wetland Ecology Lab Undergraduate, University of Notre Dame

  • Assisting with preparation and processing of stable isotope samples from the Copper River Delta of Alaska

Josh von Werder (2023 - 2024) - Stream and Wetland Ecology Lab Undergraduate, University of Notre Dame

  • Stable isotope analysis for another lab member’s PFAS in food web project

  • Working on stable isotope mixing models and determining discrimination factors for their analyses

  • Determining the best approach for data analysis, including choosing methods and implementing models in R Programming

Corbin Hite (2023 - 2024) - Stream and Wetland Ecology Lab Undergraduate, University of Notre Dame

  • Preparing a manuscript covering his senior honor’s thesis research for peer-review

  • Presented an oral presentation for the College of Science – Joint Annual Meeting (COS-JAM) in 2024 and for the Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting in Philadelphia in 2024

  • Submitted his senior honor’s thesis on his independent study

  • Conducted an independent study on the Elodea invasion using limnocorrals in the Copper River Delta near Cordova, Alaska

  • Assisted with data workup for an herbicide study on Elodea in the Copper River Delta near Cordova, Alaska

  • Assisted with preparation and processing of stable isotope samples from the Copper River Delta of Alaska

  • Won “Best Oral/Poster Presentation Competition” for the College of Science - Joint Annual Meeting (COS-JAM) 2023

Ben McCarthy (Spring 2023) - Stream and Wetland Ecology Lab Undergraduate, University of Notre Dame

  • Assessed alpha and gamma diversity metrics for invertebrate taxa in Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands from a 10-year sampling period

Jack Boyle (2020 - 2022) - Jones Lab Undergraduate, University of Notre Dame

  • Assisted with Long Lake fish diet data quality control and workup for 2019, 2020, and 2021

  • Applied for and received the College of Science Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship to conduct an independent mentored project at UNDERC in Summer and Fall 2021

  • Assisted with Long Lake data collection and lab processing in 2020 and 2021

  • Processed fish diet samples from Crampton and Jones lakes summer 2020 sampling

Noah Gonring (2020 - 2022) - Jones Lab Undergraduate, University of Notre Dame

  • Processing fish diet samples from Crampton and Jones lakes summer 2021 samplingAssisted with Long Lake benthic invertebrate processing from summer 2021 sampling

  • Processed fish diet samples from Long Lake summers 2019, 2020, and 2021 sampling

Taylor Parker (Spring 2022) - Jones Lab Undergraduate, University of Notre Dame

  • Processed fish diet samples from Crampton and Jones lakes summer 2021 sampling

Eva Deegan (2021 - 2022) - Association of Women in Science at Notre Dame - STEMentorship Program

  • Discussed graduate school, including the application and admission process

  • Conducted one-on-one professional development activities, such as CV and Resume writing

Kari Rogers (2021 - 2022) - Association of Women in Science at Notre Dame - STEMentorship Program

  • Discussing graduate school, including the application and admission process

  • Working on internship and job applications for summer positions in Summer 2022

  • Conducting one-on-one professional development activities, such as CV and Resumer writing

Jackson Winslow (Summer 2021) - University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center East Class Mentee

  • Studied a population gradient between fish and macroinvertebrates along the interface of a lake and creek based on habitat preference

Griffin Yates (Summer 2021) - University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center East Class Mentee

  • Studied interspecific competition of largemouth and smallmouth bass

Isabella Rascon (2020 - 2021) - Association of Women in Science Notre Dame - STEMentorship Program

  • Developed communication and networking skills through one-on-one meetings and professional development events

Emma Grover (Summer 2020) - University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center East Class Mentee

  • Studied relationships between bluegill life history traits along a DOC gradient

Matthew Aubourg (Summer 2019) - University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center East Class Mentee

  • Explored bluegill behavioral responses to dissolved organic carbon

Joseph Nowak (Summer 2019) - University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center East Class Mentee

  • Studied zooplankton diversity and abundance in response to dissolved organic carbon

Harley Lu (2018 – 2019) - University of Illinois Ignite program

  • Processed crayfish samples to identify and count trematode parasites in the hepatopancreas

Scholarships and Awards

GLOBES Mini Grant (2024-2025) - Global Linkages of Biology, the Environment, and Society (GLBOES), University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN

Predoctoral Research Fellowship (2024-2025) - Center for Environment and Technology, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN

General Endowment Award (2024) - Society for Freshwater Science

GLOBES Mini Grant (2023-2024) - Global Linkages of Biology, the Environment, and Society (GLOBES), University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN

REACT (Rapid Exposure to Advanced Computation Training) Award (Spring 2023) - Environmental Change Initiative (ECI), Eck Institute for Global Health (EIGH), Genomics and Bioinformatics Core Facility (GBCF), Harper Cancer Research Institute (HCRI), and Center for Research Computing (CRC), University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN

UNDERC Summer Graduate Fellowship (Summer 2021) - University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center, Land O’ Lakes WI

UNDERC Summer Graduate Fellowship (Summer 2020) - University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center, Land O’ Lakes WI

Mentoring Fellowship (Summer 2019) - University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center, Land O’ Lakes WI

AAAS/Science Program for Excellence in Science Recipient (2018 – 2019)

Mary Gates Research Scholar, Mary Gates Endowment (2017) - University of Washington, Seattle WA

Purple and Gold Scholarship (2013 – 2017) - University of Washington, Seattle WA

Service and Affiliations

Biology Department Representative (2024 - Present) - Graduate Student Government – University of Notre Dame

Secretary (2024 - Present) - Biology Graduate Student Organization - Department of Biological Sciences – University of Notre Dame

Strategy Tutor (2024 - Present) – Academic Student Services for Athletes – University of Notre Dame

Social Media Committee Chair (2023 - Present) – Student Resource Committee – Society for Freshwater Science

Media Manager (2023 - Present) – GLOBES (Global Linkages in Biology, the Environment, and Society) – University of Notre Dame

Treasurer (2023 - 2024) – Expanding Your Horizons Conference – University of Notre Dame

Webmaster (2021 – 2022) – Expanding Your Horizons Conference – University of Notre Dame

Member (2020 – 2022) – Association of Women in Science – University of Notre Dame

Graduate Representative (2020 – 2021) – Academic Community Engagement and Translation Committee – Department of Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame

Outreach Chair (2020 – 2021) – Biology Graduate Student Organization – Department of Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame

Representative (2018 – 2019) – Graduate Student Advisory Committee – Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois

Member (2017 – 2019) – American Fisheries Society – University of Illinois Subunit

Volunteer (2017 – 2019) – Champaign County Forest Preserves

Representative (2016 – 2017) – Student Advisory Council – College of the Environment, University of Washington

President (2016 – 2017) – American Fisheries Society – University of Washington Student Chapter

Communication Officer (2015 – 2016) – American Fisheries Society – University of Washington Student Chapter

Professional Development

Analyzing Data from Complex Surveys (July 2024) - Biostatistics Summer Institutes, University of Washington

GLOBES (Global Linkages of Biology, the Environment, and Society) Certificate Program (2023 - Present) – John J. Reilly Center, University of Notre Dame

Stable Isotope Mixing Models using SIBER, SIAR, MixSIAR - Virtual Course (April 2023) - PR Statistics LTD, Glasgow, Scotland

Certificate in Community Engagement and Public Scholarship (Spring 2022) – Center for Social Concerns, University of Notre Dame

Leadership Advancing Socially Engaged Research (LASER) Program (2021 – 2022) – Graduate School, University of Notre Dame

STEM Writing Workshop with Dr. George Gopen (October 2021) – Graduate School, University of Notre Dame

Collaborative Teaching and Learning Certificate Program (Spring 2021) – Kaneb Center, University of Notre Dame

Neuroscience of Learning Teaching Workshop (March 2021) – Kaneb Center, University of Notre Dame

Effective Student Engagement in Lab Courses Teaching Workshop (March 2021) – Kaneb Center,University of Notre Dame

Antiracist Pedagogy Teaching Workshop (February 2021) – Kaneb Center, University of Notre Dame

Collaborative Teaching Using Google Slides Teaching Workshop (February 2021) – Kaneb Center, University of Notre Dame