Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts:
Adey, A.K. and Larson, E.R. 2021. Testing the relationship between intraspecific competition and individual specialization across both behavior and diet. Ecology and Evolution 11(16): 11310-11322.
Adey A.K. and Larson E.R. 2020. Dominance and diet are unrelated within a population of invasive crayfish. Hydrobiologia 847(7): 1587-1602.
Adey A.K., Kuehne L.M., and Olden J.D. 2018. Trophic niche ecology of Olympic mudminnow (Novumbra hubbsi) in Lake Ozette, Washington. Northwest Science 92(4): 267-273.
Kuehne L.M., Adey A.K., Brownlee T.M. & Olden J.D. 2018. Field-based comparison of herbicides for control of parrotfeather (Myriophyllum aquaticum). Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 56: 18-23.
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Viewpoint: Indiana’s vulnerable wetlands at even greater risk. Amaryllis Adey, Katherine O’Reilly, Elise Snyder, and Gary Lamberti. South Bend Tribune Opinion Section. Published June 2, 2023.